Apr 28Liked by Bobby Hulme-Lippert

Consider why we have TSA at all: mistrust. Think of all the cost of time and money we pay for mistrust in our lives: from home security systems to computer passwords to police agencies and militaries.

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good point...and makes me recognize how much I did not appreciate the rare campus/reality experience afforded by Davidson's Honor Code

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Well said Steve! It is a fine line to learn what / who to trust in this messy world.

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Trust is the beginning of everything relational with others, with yourself and with God. Well written as always.

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Indeed! Thanks, Jim :)

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Apr 26Liked by Bobby Hulme-Lippert

One reason that I love my job so much at the Glenn School is the trust that the administration has in me as an educator! Makes a world of difference!

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Love hearing this - and so glad you have that!

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I love the picture in my mind of your son dancing to Hall & Oates

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